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In-Depth Combat


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Hey! I have thinking about an amazing mod idea!

Parrying and Counter-Attacking:

Everytime an opponent is stunned, the player is able to perform an animation that will result in the death of said opponent- This is the basic concept, although, things can get more complicated:


-Countering consists in stunning the opponent either by blocking his/her power attack or by bashing when he/she is about to attack (Basically, creating openings);


-Insta-Kill Counters only work on lightly armored opponents, otherwise it would be overpowered;


-Heavily armored opponents will receive +10% more damage when stunned;


-The player can not be insta-killed, instead, while stunned, if he/she is wearing light-armor, he/she will receive 2x more damage and when wearing heavy-armor, +10% more damage.


I hope someone works on this, if not, I'll take matters into my own hands and I'll learn scripting.



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