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Cutscene editing in toolset


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Ok, so the title and description may not be very accurate. what I'm trying to do, is edit and existing cutscene. However there are so many arrow pointers in the scene that they are completely covering up the actors that I want to edit.

How do I go about rotating the scene, so that I can get a click on the actor? In other words, try to come around so that I can try clicking on them from a side view, bottom view, or whatever.... a direction where all those arrow pointers arent in my way?


Also, my game isnt very stable, it crashes a lot. (Windows vista... a lot of svchost running that I'm not sure are safe to shut down, so they are taking up a huge amount of cpu resources) and when I try to view the mod in-game it crashes. is there any way to send a mod file to another person, so that they can view the files?


thanks in advance!


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You can hide all that stuff.


But as for panning the view - hold middle mouse button to pan the view. CTRL+LMB/MMB/RMB also move the view in different ways - play around and you'll get the hang of which does what.

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