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Problem with bodies


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Hi. I downloaded all the body mods.I have one mod assigned to my character, but that mod works with every single character in the game when doesnt have clothes.


What i want is assign different bodies to different characters.I was thinking in Leliana for example.


Is there any way to make Leliana or any other character different??


I read that was possible with hair types, and is possible with face morphs.How can i do that with the bodies?




Can't be done yet. There's a mod in the works to make it possible, but until then - one body for all.

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with hair and face settings, each of those has a different name. so the character's file stores those different names. such as "Blue_eyes_3" and "Long_hair_green_5" or whatever. (Dont go looking for those, those are just words I pulled out of the back of my head, because I don't know the actual file names!)

what you're talking about, is completely different. because each race, only has two generic files for the bodies. Such as "GN_human_F" or "Gn_human_m" (again, random names) for the trunk, two generic files for the hands, and two generic files for the feet.

you cant replace them right now with different meshes, on different characters, because the game isnt set up to do that.

To do so, you'd have to go in and add filenames into the scripts for each of the different bodies. You would then need to create a method for alternating the bodies. (easiest way would probably be to go in and edit the new figures into a saved game) once the table has been established for the new meshes.

THEN, you are going to run into the problem of none of your armor/clothes working correctly, because none of that, has yet been edited to work with the new bodies. You may need to edit their meshes to fit, but you would definitely have to go in and edit the scripts for those items to work with the new filenames. If not, then at the very best, you're gonna end up with a bunch of characters that are nothing but a bunch of floating heads when they are wearing clothes. At worst, you could have some bad graphics errors that could cause really bad lag, or even crashes.


Now, it WOULD be possible to go in, and create a custom creature, with a custom body value assigned to it (Dog and Shale are best examples). But you would have to assign each face individually, and for any armor to work, you would have to create a custom body, with that armor already on them.


not so easy to do :(

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