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FWE - Multipliers for Personal Needs mod?


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First of all, this mod is HARD. I'm hardly surviving in the game and having trouble eating, drinking, staying healthy, and finding ammo. But I guess that's realism.


I wanted to adjust the multipliers for the personal needs mod, so I don't get hungry/thirsty so fast, and so I don't have to eat like 40 things to satisfy my hunger.


The mod menu referred to some Addendum file to read about the multipliers. That file had a very vague description of the multipliers, but from what I understood:


1) First multiplier - the higher it is, the faster you get hungry/thirsty.

2) Second multiplier - the higher it is, the more you need to drink/eat to satisfy.



So, my 1st multipliers were set to 4.5 by default. According to that file, default should be 1 - so that's what I set them to.


I set my 2nd multipliers to 1 as well.


Now, I have hunger at 55% and it never changes. Why? What value would you recommend?



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Dear IvanJ,


I assume you read this:

Added global variables aaHungerRateMult and aaHungerCondMult to allow adjustments to needed food intake.

These are initially set to a value of 1.0 to use PN's original system.

The first variable, aaHungerRateMult, sets how fast your character will get hungry; higher values get hungry faster, e.g. a value of 2.0 would make your character get hungry twice as fast.

The second variable, aaHungerCondMult, sets how much your character will need to eat to get full; higher values need more food, e.g. a value of 2.0 would require your character to eat twice as much food.

As a rule-of-thumb, these values should be kept close to each other, with any deviation favoring the rate.


I actually have had that same weird problem when I reduced both of those radically. What helped for me was setting the desired multipliers, then resetting PN, saving, exiting Fallout 3 and starting it again and loading the save.


Edit: PN adds a great amount of immersion to the (atleast mine) gameplay and after toying a bit around with the multipliers I'd recommend not lowering them too much. going from 4.5 to as low as 3.0 is a huge difference.

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