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CS Dialogue


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(I hope this is the right forum) Well im making a whole new world space (and i got to admit its pretty sweet so far) and I dont want to talk to someone and only be able to ask about rumors, so im just asking how to add new topics WITHOUT a quest(in the wiki its just using a quest like go bring back crab meat) Thank you
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You will always need a quest for dialogue, even though it doesn't contain any quest elements. The only other way would be using messageboxes, but that isn't any easier. It's better to create a new quest than use any of the existing ones.
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Take a look at "Kragenir's Death Quest" ... in particular the Rural elements plug in (I can't get on the servers to link it from work. Search for Kragenir, that should get it). They do what I'm thinking you are trying to do magnificently. And conflict free from what I've seen of it (which is pretty much all I would imagine)



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Starting a new quest is easy. You can make it invisible so gamers don't even know it is a quest. (The term "quest" is used differently in Oblivion modding than in fantasy games or books in general.) You do not need any quest messages, do not need an icon, and may not need any scripting or result scripts.
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