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Creating a Mesh for a Save Game Charactor


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Hello all :) , It has been awhile since I posted anything, I would like to ask the community here, if it is possible to recover the mesh Elder Scrolls creates for your new character; The mesh you yourself creates at the beginning of the game for the character you play. I would like to take a saved game character,and mod it into a companion mod, but I am unsure if or how it can be done. I also would like to ask as part of this idea is there a way to edit or re-size an already made mesh, say for clothing or armor. I knew some of this could be done with Blender 3D and the Elder Scrolls Construction Kit, but I am not very skill at using either. and any help, ideas, or thoughts would be very welcomed, :thanks:
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if you want to change the size of an object go into CS (construction set)


and then click on the object you want to resize and hold the "S" key


then drag your curser around the screen and the size will change

this will effet thie mesh and this mesh only say you make a crab really big it will not effect any other crab in the game hope that helps:)

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if you want to change the size of an object go into CS (construction set)


and then click on the object you want to resize and hold the "S" key


then drag your curser around the screen and the size will change

this will effet thie mesh and this mesh only say you make a crab really big it will not effect any other crab in the game hope that helps:)


Thank you, for your help. That does answer one of my questions, about the construction kit. I am still trying to find out if there is a way to use the mesh and textures from your character / toon to create a companion mod,but no luck yet. I did however read that there is a player file in the Data folder that contains the player's meshes and texture; for his or hers game character, but I have not found out here it is located at yet, thank you again, and ttyl

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Hm, well I know you can import and export a face from a save into an .esp file to fit npc..but textures and meshes? They should be added when the according race is loaded. But a saved character could be used all the time, although I can understand why you want him to join at the beginning :).


You could use Wrye Bash to do all what I just said (explained here). Or upload savegame and let someone else turn it into a companion. Simply said, it's not simple to do at the beginning and not a process that's done within an hour the first time..if you want to do it more often though you'll have to learn yourself and read a companion tutorial from how to go from that saved .esp to a mod (CM-Partner maybe.)

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Hm, well I know you can import and export a face from a save into an .esp file to fit npc..but textures and meshes? They should be added when the according race is loaded. But a saved character could be used all the time, although I can understand why you want him to join at the beginning :).


You could use Wrye Bash to do all what I just said (explained here). Or upload savegame and let someone else turn it into a companion. Simply said, it's not simple to do at the beginning and not a process that's done within an hour the first time..if you want to do it more often though you'll have to learn yourself and read a companion tutorial from how to go from that saved .esp to a mod (CM-Partner maybe.)


Thank you, again for your help :) . You have given me a good place to start looking, and I am also going to look into Wrye Bash, I also found out that you can use blender, gimp, pixie or Daz 3d for some of the basic graphics work, but I am still reading up on how both set up and use the given file type used in the data folder, ( meshes) (.nif ), and (textures) (.dds) for example. I also was given a good piece of advice from a buddy who does a lot of work in programing and linux. He told me you have to be carefully, that when building a mod, that you do not do something that would effect the morrowind or oblivion .ini file, that would lead to the main (.exe ) file to become corrupted or unstable. He also said to make backups of the core files, say the .ini file, ect, incase you need to repair something. I also currently looking though Nexus's utilities section to see if the are some more detail tutorials, the ones I have found so far are mainly general ones that cover the basics, I have since started to write out a more detail tutorial, and I have added to it as I learn more, I hope to post that in the future. I also would welcome any thoughts or advice on the front as well. Thank you again, and ttyl

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the save game file is not a mesh as you are thinking. it is a set of morphs that change the shape of the mesh.for the most part all npc's use the same mesh and apply the morphs to change the mesh. resizing in cs will only change the size of the overall npc and not the size of the head if that is what your thinking. are you trying to make a cm companion ? is it a custom race that you have downloaded ? this is the first thing you need to decide. it is possible to make a companion without a companion mod but I wouldn't advise it if your just getting started. if your planing to use blender to alter the head mesh then you are heading in the wrong direction. very few people have managed to edit a head mesh and get it to work in the game. some custom races use a custom head mesh but how they managed to do it is not known by many. I have a mesh I made in blender and though I did manage to get it into the game,the facial animations were messed up and made it pretty much useless. if your wanting to learn blender and gimp then start with clothing and see how that goes. I really like making things in blender and would encourage anyone to dive in and learn to mesh but it requires alot of time to learn. anyway answer those questions and I'll see if I can get you pointed in the right direction
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the save game file is not a mesh as you are thinking. it is a set of morphs that change the shape of the mesh.for the most part all npc's use the same mesh and apply the morphs to change the mesh. resizing in cs will only change the size of the overall npc and not the size of the head if that is what your thinking. are you trying to make a cm companion ? is it a custom race that you have downloaded ? this is the first thing you need to decide. it is possible to make a companion without a companion mod but I wouldn't advise it if your just getting started. if your planing to use blender to alter the head mesh then you are heading in the wrong direction. very few people have managed to edit a head mesh and get it to work in the game. some custom races use a custom head mesh but how they managed to do it is not known by many. I have a mesh I made in blender and though I did manage to get it into the game,the facial animations were messed up and made it pretty much useless. if your wanting to learn blender and gimp then start with clothing and see how that goes. I really like making things in blender and would encourage anyone to dive in and learn to mesh but it requires alot of time to learn. anyway answer those questions and I'll see if I can get you pointed in the right direction


Thank you, for your answer, it helped out a lot. I would also like to ask if I could get you help and input in the future, both on the mod I have in mind and a more detailed tutorial I have started. Any help and thoughts are always welcomed. I also have started to work with gimp, and blender more to get better at using both. I have found the with blender, it is not much different than the Rhino 3D I used in college. thank you again, and ttyl :)

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you can pm me anytime I will help if I can. is this a tutorial on using blender in oblivion ?




No, the tutorial I have been working on is for using the CS in Morrowind, and Oblivion, to better help out new and older modders get start in modding with the CS or as a reference sources. I did give it some thought about creating a tutorial for using both gimp, and blender, but after some research I found that there are many really good tutorials out there, and even books that exist on the subject. I hoping to post what I have in the future, I also have given it some thought to putting it in a PDF as a Ebook, or a friend also thought it would be a idea the have it published in book form. So far, I have about three pages of thoughts, notes and information I have put together on that project. As always, I am open to any thoughts, ideas, or suggestion, thank you again and ttyl

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