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Animated/Interactable Menu Screens!


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The idea hit me because I remember some older style puzzle games for PC had things like this, where you'd select an Item in your inventory and an interactable version of it would show up on your screen.


I was trying to think of how to do that, like to make a puzzle box or something, and figured you could do something like that if you could make a 'Menu' screen that would change when you clicked parts of it like buttons. Might not be the best 'animation' effect, but the Slider bar moves when you click the parts of your inventory, so I'm sure it -can- be done.


Does anyone know how though? >._.> I'd love to do it if anyone has a clue. ^._.^ Best Idea I have is a series of menus, each different from the last, where each click takes you to another to correspond with what you did. Problem is, if you tried to make, say, a Rubic's Cube, the sheer number of screens would be dizzying, and then trying to script each and every -possible- turn... @_@ That method would -only- be plausable for simple puzzles, and then where's the fun in that? :P

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