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Hello, I havn't played Oblivion in like a year, And now have a new pc so it would run better. I remember seeing a mod or a fix to take off a limiter on the command Player.Setscale. Like normal you can only go up to 2, I remember when I used to play if I wanted to get somewhere fast. I'd setscale to like say 8-10 an jump across the map. If anyone knows what im talking about and can help abit that would be great. I think it had to do with a race that was made with the mod aswell not sure anymore.

EDIT: Ive found a link to it. but it seems locked even if you make an account. http://www.process-productions.com/forum/s...read.php?t=6711


if anyone happens to get their hands on the post can you please Copy an paste it here.



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