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Live Real Time Menus


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Basically what the title is.(excluding the main pause menu esc.) I feel that a mod like this would add more immersion, and also add more emphasis on plotting and decisions before certain situations. I don't know about most other players, but it kind of gets on my nerves, for the amount of time we spend with the world totally frozen(mainly cause the mods I like using are ones that add immersion) from reading books, trading, checking your players inventory and menus, looting containers and corpses. Another issue that I have is that when the menus freeze the world mid game, it makes events like combat, or other random events less of a concern to worry about since you can just re-suit up, change weapons, and browse though your selection of potions, even eat a French Dip sandwich or full size torta mid combat. With the vanilla menus, there's almost no reason for hotkeys, other than spending less time with the world frozen. I mean, the hot keys should be more relevant to making items in your inventory more ready available, Which they would without the pausing menus. A mod that adds live menus would max out the immersion in this game, for the fact that the world is still moving as your buying things at a shop or checking your map or looting. It'd also add more realism and make the game less easy since you'd have to consider hot-keying the right items before combat, or raiding a certain dungeon, rather than rummaging through your inventory for potions multiple times in one battle, or running around and looting 20 corpses while fighting a boss.

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