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Viewing more than one area of an exterior cell in the Geck at a time


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Hello modders,


Basically I have been constructing environments in interior cells up until now as you can view the entire area of the environment you're creating. What I want to know is if there is a way in the GECK of forcing multiple cells of an exterior worldspace to be visible when building environments. I find it extremely tedious having my view constricted, being forced to view one small area at a time much like having my head stuck in a sandbox and sliding it around to load the neighbouring cell content with no way to view the overall look of the environment (without testing in game) :pinch: . You may be surprised that I find the viewing area inadequate but some of the environments I'm working on are quite large.


Apologies if this has come up in some part of a tutorial - I have looked through a few with no luck. If so please post the relevant link(s) and I will quietly go on my way.


Any help would be appreciated. :smile:

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If you think you have some supercomputer, you can add in your GECKcustom.ini file "uGridsToLoad=as much as you want" line(in "General" section).

This seems to have done the trick - I've changed it from the default of 5 to 10 and can now see a great deal further. Many :thanks: and kudos

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