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40k Eldar stuff


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Hey I know this has been requested before, but this time I have some innovative ideas to add the Eldar to Fallout 3.


The Guardian armor should be made first, but then the others should be worked on as well. The Guardian mesh armor should be made with both male and female variants, and they should include the shuriken catapult assault rifle as well.


Here is a list of what needs to be done:


(Version one)

Eldar Guardian armor (Male/Female Versions)

Shuriken Catapult (Assault Rifle)

Shuriken Cannon Follower (NPC that follows you like a drone.)


(Version two)

Farseer Rune armor (Male/Female Versions)

Singing Spear


Shuriken Pistol

Ghosthelmet (Visor/Visorless)

Eldar Warlock armor (Male/Female Versions)



I know this may seem much to ask, but the Eldar have been absent from the modding community and I think it is time someone starts making the Eldar in Fallout 3. Nuff' said.


Opinions anyone?

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Agreed, because they launch bladed projectiles, that is what a shuriken is. :D


Update: I found that Sparky is working on Eldar Guardian armor. My msitake for not searching but it was recent and I assumed no one was working on it. So I have to request that someone just makes the Shuriken Catapult, and Shuriken Cannon.

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