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Moonstone Mine


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Afternoon Nexus, I have been having trouble finding Moonstone veins and for some reason I haven't been able to find moonstone ore or bars at merchants even at level 22, (Possibly due to the many mods I have).


I was curious if anyone knows of a Moonstone Mine mod or has the knowledge to make one, I'd love to use it.


Thanks for your time.

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I have looked up the locations of the moonstone veins for you in the Creation Kit. Type in the console coe and the coordinates, i. e.: coe 32,-16


The coordinates are:

32, -16

3, 4

0, 5

-5, -25

-9, 12

-21, -5

37, -13

9, -16

5, -28

30, 11


and in the interiors




Edited by Tamira
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