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Sound files and geck


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How do you really name sound files/replace them? For example wind sounds playing on certain regions, I would like to add more wind sounds instead of the vanilla (only 2 for each region, not so sure) ones. Sounds for NPC, I know how to add like ant_injured_01, and_injured_02, by adding _xx at the end you can add new sounds, but for ambiance sounds (wind_plains_lp for example), adding _xx at the end don't work. I need help guys...
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I have Fallout v 1.1 and this method works perfectly. For example, i place an rename sound file like this - Data\sound\fx\amb\~regions\wind\wasteland\a\amb_r_wind_wasteland_a_05.wav and heared it ingame. In your case, problems can be:

1)Game dont see your files -> use this http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=944

2)Your sound file has improper format (vanilla use Wav\PCM\16bit\Mono).

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That's really strange, using 1.1 official patch too. I'm using Audicity, my sound files have correct format ( wav microsoft 16bit pcm, mono ). I can successfully tweak sneaking sound volume, geck reads the new sound but when I tweaked crouching sound volume, it still remains the same. I've checked sound file name and directory, all are correct but geck still doesn't read my new file, instead it still reads the default file. I have FOMM, already activate/deactivate/active archive invalidation. Is it possible that not all sounds can be tweaked? Even the volume.
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Describe exactly what you doing (with (file)names and pathes) and provide 1 (little) sample of your sound files, so i can try then on my system.

Because i just replace one vanilla sound by another, and it worked inGECK and ingame.

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Well, your file(and path Data\sound\fx\npc\human\crouch\down) is ok. I just replace it and checked ingame. And, since you dont have problem with other sounds, ArchiveInvalidation problem is not involved.

Maybe you just dont hear the difference(i dont, have to tweak sound properties)? For this sound "Static Attenuation" parameter = -30dB .

Looks like this all help what i can do (cos all 100% working on my side).

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Using headphones, might be the reason. I will test it out again. I have never tweak sound properties in g.e.c.k before. All this while sounds have been working properly, even adding variation to food chewing, brahmin moo-ing, altering sneaking sound volume, all works. You have set it to -30db for crouch down, why is that? Is it important to tweak sound properties in G.E.C.K and is there a tutorial on sound for G.E.C.K?
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I mean this sound already has volume attenuation minus 30dB in his properties, which is pretty silent, thus rising volume in sound file was not so effective(i speculate, actually). About sound properties - here http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Sound .

And tweaking something in GECK means: you do some changes and save it to plugin file (.esp) (what is unacceptable for your resource-only mod :no: )

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