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Static Noise upon Starting Oblivion


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So... This is my first post on the Nexus Forums, even though I've been using TESNexus for a while. I have an issue with loading up Oblivion on some occasions.


Here's the set up. I'd been playing for a little while and exited the game to look at a readme or a tutorial or something like that. Or, I just finished downloading a plug-in and extracting the files. Now, After Id completed those tasks, I decide to go back on Oblivion to try it out. The game goes through its basic loading screen, main title screen, and I go to load up a save file. At this point. nine times out of ten, I get weird static noise instead of music, my disk drive starts working overtime, and my fps starts to suffer a bit.


This won't ever happen if I load it up for the first time after starting up my computer, but after I finish doing something, this occurs. Restarting my computer temporarily remedies the problem, but my computer takes a long time to restart and I don't like to wait. Has this happened to anybody else? I've heard of some accounts of the sound cutting out in the middle of the game, but not right when you load a game.


Any help regarding this issue would be much appreciated. Thanks! :thanks:

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This hasn't happened to me, but for me it sounds like a mis-installment or a computer-flaw.

I'd try reinstalling Oblivion. If that doesn't work, check your computer. Do the rest of your computer games work?

Good luck! ;)

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Either your DVD is scratched and when the game tries to access certain data it encounters this problem or your DVD drive is possibly faulty.


If it's the disc perhaps try it in a friend's computer if possible and see if the same thing happens. Does it happen with other game discs?


That issue of sound cutting out in game sometimes usually happens with onboard sound cards or is often just a temporary glitch.

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