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Some Shopkeepers/Faction Merchants Not Bartering


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Once upon a time in 2012, I installed a mod called "Merchants only reply with 'Take a look'". The mod never worked right and I uninstalled it. Ever since then, I've had it where merchants would sometimes never have the barter menu come up after they say their phrases. For example, Alvor will simply say "Looking to defend yourself? Looking to defend yourself? The finest weapons and armor. The finest weapons and armor. The finest weapons and armor. Take a look." before finally giving me my menu. I'd sometimes have other phrases work, but they would be random chance. One or two years later after I uninstalled this mod, this bug has been constantly persisting, even after complete fresh installs, steam updates, checking integrity...


The worst part is that now I can't even buy from some merchants, specifically Euorland Gray-Mane and Tonilia simply because they never say "Take a look." This makes me unable to fence my wears in the Thieve's Guild, or buy from what is said to be the best blacksmith in Skyrim, even Tamriel.


Has anyone ever found a way to fix this? It looks like BaconCat, the guy who made this mod, is now no longer doing work on this mod.

Edited by jetex1911
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