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New player :W00T:


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Hi Guys and Gals.


I bought Oblivion literaly a week ago and I feel I hit a goldmine.


IMO as a new Oblivion gamer i feel very lucky to have gotten this game now as all the patches (official and un-official) have been released and very cool MODs are out that make the game that much more better (Grammar?).


Thank you to the MODers for your hard work and to the Admins who make this site what it is.



From a First Person Shooter fan to now an RPGer.


Again Thanks!

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Yup cool game.


Still trying to get hang of some of more complex mechanics of it (Thanks to UESPWiki, here and the Bethesda forums I think I'll get there).


Going to play it Vanilla (with mini-Mods) 1st time through and then load up FCOM: Convergence for second run through.


@ Unavi - Voted for your sig as I'm a HUGE Avatar fan :)

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