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In whatever moment of glory (if you could even call it that) when I was playing today, at some point stopped and realized my character is really fun to play. After all of that labouring over which skills to use and how they look, I finally got a character I like to play can handle the game world without yielding to every bandit that fights him. I'm wondering if anyone else finally settled on a character they like to play and for whatever reason, makes the game substantially more fun and interesting as a result. Furthermore, how do you play this character? What makes them fun to play and what makes them likeable?


As for my character Balthamir, a Breton (Errant Monk class) he's finally come into his own by using absorb health as his only offensive spell in the game while his mysticism and restoration keep him from taking punishment. He uses sneak and hand to hand in tandem, and parrys with a cool uniquely modeled sword from a quest (he only blocks with it, Monk with attacking sword=bad). He's fun because his skills are all finesse based, there's no run in and wailing on enemies, he's clever, patient, and waits until that perfect moment to unleash his monkish fury. Although he doesn't have much experience in Oblivion, he handles the undead easy enough, and we all no how rediculous those headless zombies can get (way too much health methinks, they're dead...c'mon).


Can't wait to hear from others. If there's anything that will make the game better, it's creating a character that fits perfectly with you.

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Elric, level 34 warmage.


give me a blade, a shield, and an heavy armor ^^


i play it and i like it, even if actually i'm not wearing heavy armor anymore...

you know, some times you just need to move unseen, and a full daedric plate... is not much good for that ^^

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Moriartus, level 24 Vampiric Breton Deathlock


I wear my Black Hand Robes most of the time, with 0 armour. I use my Hunter's sight and invisibility spells to keep hidden, I carry my Ebony Blade, a daedric dagger and a daedric bow. I get up close and sneak attack them with my daedric dagger. That kills or severely injures most things. If I act fast enough I can hit them with my paralysis spell and hack them to death before they can run for help. Failing that, I shoot them with my bow, or if I fail to do that I go invisible again and stalk them. If I get into a direct melee situation, I pull out my Ebony blade and jump, dodge and block like a madman, liberally hitting thing with paralysis. If I get hopelessly outnumbered, low on health and in serious danger of death, I use my brain. Once I ran up a steep hillside and sat on a rock, and picked the slow enemies, who were even slower on the steep hill, off with my bow (arrows coated in paralysing poison of course). They fell to their deaths. Confusion is another of my best weapons. I've turned enemies on eachother by hiding and shooting one with an arrow, but remaining hidden so he thinks it is his friend. If I do that for a while they turn on eachother. I did that to some imperial foresters once. Otherwise I use frenzy on them.

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Julian Kail Dain, low level redguard at the mo as pc still wont run the damn game, but thanks to the kindness of a friend, blade, block and hv armour, combined with marksman. Throw some arrows at any enemy untill too close for comfort, then with a yell of "Have at you" swing a large sharp pointy thing at them. And if they continue to provide hastle, pop into adrealine rush and rip them a new one, tis fun.
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I'm playing as a custom class that uses sneak, magic, bow sniping and heavy armor. He's alot of fun because I can sneak attack (in heavy armor) and face multiple baddies with a sword and supplemental damage and buffs from magic.
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I play as a dark elf Courtesan. She's a little like this:





She gets freaky in fights and runs around a lot, so outdoors is her preference. Fighting indoors with her is like fighting a blur that bounces off the walls and screams. She's fighting herself as much as the enemy I think.


On the occassion when she has her wits about her she is a capable swordswoman- but she likes power attacks a lot so exhausts herself trying to disarm her opponents all the time. She is currently using a swords as long as she is tall, and while she knows it's simply too much for her and a shorter sword would be better, she disdains shields and wants something that blocks better... so two-hander it is. Silly little elf.


Sneaky, blade savvy, bow savvy, mystical arts, acrobatics, and she's athletic.


She's very agile, and pretty strong. Not the smartest girl you've ever met, but tough willed.


She's classy when she's in town and always has a guest spot at the table (and elsewhere) of the local lords... -sigh- this part of her isn't something I like to go into much, as I'm a guy... but whatever. I'ouey is as I'ouey is.

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