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Forlorn Watchman Trouble


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**extremely minor spoilers**


I seem to be having a problem with the Forlorn Watchman Quest

I have successfully started the quest by asking about rumors, and updated the quest once by speaking to the innkeeper so that the quest is now “perhaps you should observe him for a while” and so forth…

No matter what I do I cannot get Oblivion to recognize that I have observed him.

First, I caught him as he was walking over the bridge from the camp, and followed him all the way down to his observation point across the river from the sunken ship… no dice

Then, I waited for him to spawn on the island… followed him all the way down, and waited for him to disappear at like 5am or so…still nothing

I have had no other game play issues so far, and have completed numerous other quests, including several oblivion gates, attained the rank of Slayer in the Dark Brotherhood, the entire Mage’s Guild Quest line, etc

Any suggestions?


As a side note... he "ignores me when i try to talk to him" and is suposed to tell me his story... i've tried triggering his motion, and then making sure he doesn't see me until he's arived south of Fort Irony, and then just chilling there... and he still won't tell me anything about the mouth of the panther... ideas?

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  • 2 weeks later...

for anybody else having this problem, i solved it.

first, go into the console, and type sqt

that will bring up the current quest and current quest stage

it'll say 'Active quest' and then some name (press PageUp if you can't see this)

in my case it was MS06 or something

it will also display GetStage >> ##

the next stage should be that number plus 10

in order to skip whatever stage of whatever quest you're currently doing, enter the command

setstage QuestID ##+10

so for me, the command i needed was

setstage MS06 30

BAM! done....

hope this helps

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I don't think you had a bug. He never speaks to you until after you free him. Your journal entry should tell you to go back to the guy in Bravil (at Silverthorne Home on the Water) but if you simply go where he is looking you will find out what to do. For freeing him you are rewarded so it is better to do the quest if you can.
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  Malchik said:
I don't think you had a bug. He never speaks to you until after you free him. Your journal entry should tell you to go back to the guy in Bravil (at Silverthorne Home on the Water) but if you simply go where he is looking you will find out what to do. For freeing him you are rewarded so it is better to do the quest if you can.


:huh: Actually, he spoke to me when I first approched him. He told me his name, and that he was stuck in the mouth of the Panther.

I haven't set him free yet, because I seem to need a key. :( Anyone know where it might be located?

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  Stampede said:
I think the key can be found on the body of the Wraith of the mutinous Gable, who is on the middle deck of the ship the Emma May.


Doh! - I searched and searched the whole ship. And even the water surrounding it, when it dawned on me, that one of the ghosts might have had it.


So back to the ship, but it wasn't on (in?) either of the ectoplasm puddles there. I think. Let me double check.. brb.


Edit: Nope. no key. :( I'll restart the quest, and see if I'm lucky this time.

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Thanks, but I can't find it. He must have vanished when I left the ship, or something. :( Or he's hiding behind a crate.

NP though, I'm doing the quest again.

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