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Is it possible to create a custom Furniture Idle Marker?


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I would like to take an idle marker (form type FURN) such as the "counter lean" or "warm up hands by fire" idle markers (which are under furniture) and strip it of its idle animations and add my own choices to it. I can see how to remove its stuff, but cannot find how to add new stuff to it. Basically this is the last thing I need to do to my house other than maybe a last minute tweak to the lighting and fog settings and it is finished. But this has stumped me for a couple of days and I REALLY want to get this finished yesterday, lol.



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Open the idle marker you want to edit and change it's ID.

Right click and remove the current animation.

Right click -> New and choose a new animation from the list.

Place your marker where you want sandbox characters to perform the animation.



OK, I will try it again, but unless I'm a retard (entirely possible!) I could only delete what was in there. I don't believe I got the "new" option when I tried it last night. But I will certainly give it another shot. And you're talking about form type FURN right, NOT form type IDLM?



Thank you!

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I'm talking about what's under "Idle Marker" in GECK. If there's a reason to use furniture counter lean instead of idle marker counter lean, I don't know it.


Maybe I should explain exactly what I want to do with this. I have a display area I would like for them to tinker around in and have them look like they are stopping and looking at the displays. I have "RCMuseumIdleMarker01" and "DefaultHumanIdleMarker" set up in there (3 of each). My custom NPC will go right to them, stand there looking around like I want them to, and move on.


But, the vanilla followers (Charon, Clover et al) will not use them. They are set to sandbox when told to wait and everything possible is checked under their behavior including Idle markers, but they simply won't idle on them. I have 3 or 4 set right in the middle of the floor and they will walk over or by then 100 times going to a wall lean marker, sin in a chair, or to counter lean marker etc. They just refuse to use the IDLM type markers (the big square blue ones that sit flat on the floor). I thought if I could change the options of one of the ones they WILL use I could maybe get my desired result that way.


It has me pulling my hair out. Can the vanilla followers NOT use them for some reason? Maybe in one of their scripts somewhere or something?


I'm about at the point of just giving up on this. So frustrating...

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I'm not sure about vanilla followers. You can test it by trying it with an SCC companion. They use idle markers just fine.


No real need for the SCC test as my custom NPC will use them fine. But thanks anyway, unless I can figure out something else I'm afraid I'm stuck and out of things to try. Thanks again.

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I think vanilla followers dont use idle markers cos "...low energy actors tend to spend more time sitting and eating; high energy actors spend more time wandering and idling..."(geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Sandbox_Package), and their Energy volume is set to 0.

Anyway, about furniture markers. Duplicate one form type Furniture ("WallMarker" is a good one) and give it your Editor ID (MyFurniture fo example). Go Menu->Gameplay->Idle Animations... and insert child entry(r-click->insert child) uder Characters\_male\idleanims->FurnitureIdles->Sitting->NonSitFurniture (if you miss - thay can be dragged) with IsCurrentFurnitureObject Furniture:MyFurniture == 1 condition. From now on you can add Art File (.kf) for this entry (need to extract it first), or add several childs with additional conditions (GetRandomPercent, for example)

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