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Can I get someone to merg a few mods for me?


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I would like to have most of the weapon mods and armor mods into one .esm or. esp file so I can easily edit them as I wish. I have tried to merge them, but when I edit the new plugin, the changes do not change in game, I have to find the plugin that the game is reading and edit it. Example, I would like to change the Wattz 1200 Plasma Rifle, but instead of altering the new plugin, I have to find out where the game is reading the Rifle, Its not using the Wattz laser weapons plugin, its reading it off the Classic Fallout Weapons Plugin. Its very frustrating when I have to edit 10 of the same files in different plug ins to find out which one the game is reading. Any help would be nice. These are the mods I have that I would like added:


Fallout 3 vaniilla


20th Century Weapons (all)

Wattz Laser Weapons

EWE Energy Weapons Enhanced

Tactical Weapons

Missing Unique Armor Clothing

Classic Fallout Weapons BETA

Energy Weapons Pack

Stealthboy Recon Armor

Enemy Weapons

Plasma Rifle Awesomefied

Enhanced snipers and silent

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It's impossible to put in the vanilla fallout3 esm and it might be concerning other mods as the person that merges is needs permission to re-upload these mods. (Should be at least half of it you can forget about.)
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It's impossible to put in the vanilla fallout3 esm and it might be concerning other mods as the person that merges is needs permission to re-upload these mods. (Should be at least half of it you can forget about.)



I didnt want to upload anything, this was just something to help with me make most of the weapons and armor a little more balanced. Kinda sucks when I have one gun that is doing 200 dmg and then go against the enclave plasma rifles that are doing 20 damage. I have gotten rid of all the conflicts but the game still requires that I have the classic fallout 3 weapon plugin enabled.

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