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Dragonbone to Silverite Mod


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Hi everyone,


Maybe i dreamed it, but i really think taht I saw a mod that replaced Dragonbone texture/tint with Silverite for armor and weapons...Maker knows why I didn't download it when I first saw it but now i've been through the Nexus and it's not there anymore..


If I remember correctly there was a picture of the modder's character beside Oghren in Silverite tinted dragonebone armor with something saying : Here's my PC with Oghren in Dragonbone armor but with a Silverite color...


Anyone knows what i'm babbling about? I know i can recreate the whole thing with the Toolset but I tend to screw everything when i mess with that kinda thing....


Or if anyone could provide such a mod, that be great too!


If anyone can help me i'd really be grateful...



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you can dissable the bar check at the barrel wich will be in camp when you install it (if it is enabled your gonna need a bar of the material your gonna use) then you simply create a new item or change one using the anvil.


you can change every type of metal in these colors: gold, silver, red, the dragonbone color, blue and the steel color.

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