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rahalahx - BANNED

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rahalahx banned.




Reason for the ban

Potential piracy of skyrim:


Your game is not connected to steam, and constantly asking for someone to upload a steam workshop yet claiming you brought it from walmart.


All versions of skyrim be them digital download or retail disk use steam by default on installation.


If you can prove you have a legit copy you can return.




I did not buy the game from steam


you can only get the mods if you bought it from steam


no all retail skyrimshook into steam

skyrims hook


I bought it at a store.


Well mines not connecting. :/


If anyone can add the mod to this site, that would be great.


rajalahx, is your skyrim steam connected?


idk how to connect it to steam, and my copy is not pirated.


it will contect to steasm when you install it.

where did you buy it from?


Got it from walmart. >.<





Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned



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