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Hoodies?! Jeans!? Urban Backpacks!?


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Hey everybody.


Posting my idea here because I lack the skills to make anything more than simple mods with Fallout 3. Im trying to see if there's a modder out there who could make a clothing mod that puts wearable sweaters in the game? Ive tried all the types of characters like "Soldier", "Raider", "Rich", "Poor", ect but nowhere have I seen an "Average Guy" look out there...If a nuclear war was to happen tomorrow and you were to start a new life im pretty certain that unless your very lucky you would probably end up running around in sweaters and jeans


The look im thinking of looks like these...










Perhaps an added backpack that looks something like...





And last but not least, Jeans...




Any comments would be appreciated. Not to mention if any modders use this idea ;)



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