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Australia bans small breasts in movies,porn,etc.


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okay..... that has got to be one of the most idiotic laws I've ever heard of. that's like... I don't know. It's pointless. there are so much more they could be doing and focusing on, and they're passing laws prohibiting small bodily features in their adult content. Well, we can tell just what THEY do in their spare time.
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If you read it through, it appears to protect against child porn.

As they said " you can´t see if the woman is -18 or 20 with small breasts. But you can truly tell the difference when the woman is 40 or 50"

That is has to come this far is a different story.

My opinion is find a drug that removes the sex drive in the brains of pedophiles would be ar far better solution.

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I wonder how long it will take until they ban porn completely.


Find a drug that removes the sex drive in the brains of pedophiles would be ar far better solution.

Or simply kill them.

Or as you say, bann the god damn thing. It does nothing good to the girls, (or boys)

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Pedophile is a broad topic (common thought is that sex with younger teens 12 and up is not considered Pedophilia anymore its Hebophilia or something like that) and lest you forget AOC is different in other countries, some parts of South America it is 12, Vatican State is 12 and Angola I believe is 11 or 12... (Been a while since I researched this. I wrote a paper on this subject for college once) What does that say? Are those people then considered Pedophiles? Based on who's definition? The US? Someones conscience? Most countries AOC is 14 and lower and a lot of them just say you have to be married, well in some of those countries you can marry at 9. Forsake traditions and culture, I am sure that would go over well. Although you and I may think it is wrong, one cannot place those same judgments and restrictions on other people based on our beliefs or laws because theirs may be different. Those same countries have bans on homo./lesb. sex so they probably see a country that does not, just as appalling as we see their AOC laws...


BTW: 43 of the US states AOC is under 18 and for 3 of them it is 14 (other laws/rules apply) <--What does that mean(Instead of worrying what other countries are doing or what troubles they have the US should worry about fixing itself if they see it as an issue)

Just thought I would point that out... :thumbsup:


And onto the topic at hand what this says to me is that if you are so inclined to work in the Adult film industry you will now be forced to get breast implants. So basically it means that women are being forced to augment their bodies! I am not sure if that sends the clear message that Australia is governed by man for man or that they are too lazy to do what so many other countries do and have an ID checking system in place.


I really do not know what chills me more the thought of Pedophilia or the thought that women are still considered second class citizens so much that laws can are made to degrade them.


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screw australia i assume,

since ruddy came to power the whole country became a piece of hillariousity around the world, and i actually thought hed imporve the place but no...


what in gods/natures name do politicans think? do they even think? and in how far will this protect children from being abused? it is blasphemous! wether one believes in god or science, small boobs are a part of life and nature made em so how can they be wrong, there are truly beatiful small boobs btw, so how can one ban them? i mean really lol?




nah really sry, im out of words, this is too much... the world is going down rapidly...

in krautland teachers are not allowed to tell a child if it did somin wrong in a class test anymore cause it might get depressed, in australia they ban small boobs cause pedophiles may get one of without raping a kid and the italiens have a known mafioso as president cause hes the only one who can control all those retards...


pity, was thinking bout visiting aussieland this year but i guess ill just wait till they grow reason...

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I must agree with Balagor on this;

just create a drug that removes the lust. I got this quote from Wikipedia:

"Although pedophilia has yet no cure, various treatments are available that are aimed at reducing or preventing the expression of pedophilic behavior, reducing the prevalence of child sexual abuse. Treatment of pedophilia often requires collaboration between law enforcement and health care professionals. A number of proposed treatment techniques for pedophilia have been developed, though the success rate of these therapies has been very low."

However, you do realise how hard it is to create medicine, right? And people still haven't created it despite how many years people have tried it. I can understand the logic of this law, however, it's just silly. Now, pornography isn't really relevant for me, but discriminating women for having small breasts is just weak! Some guys prefer women with smaller breasts, too! But of course, the best solution for this would be to ban all porn :P

Some medicine is used not in order to heal pedophilia completely, but just to prevent the pedophile having sex with a child. Pedophilia is not a nice subject, I swear! >.<

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