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Australia bans small breasts in movies,porn,etc.


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The problem is a complicated one.


First, media representations are glamorized, always.


This is why blonde and blue eyed women became the idealized beauty in the US, Mae West, Marilyn Monroe, Barbara Eden, Grace Kelly, Farrah Fawcett, Christie Brinkley, Cheryl Tiegs..


Just because you think that one has nothing to do with the other doesn't make it so. The fact is, glamorized images do have a measurable effect on what is idealized in the general population. And so, however misguided the idea of legislating behavior/legislating morality is, the intent is to take away the glamorization of prepubescent girls.


Girls are exploited plenty. While this may do nothing to stop exploitation of the women who participate in pornography, there is a valid argument that it could impede/prevent the casual rape of your kid sister.

Edited by myrmaad
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actually thats the opposite of liberal... even tho ruddy is supposedly liberal lol, but actually hes more like a mao tse tung of the commonwealth, he does not only speak a medicore mandarin but he also behaves like a totalitarian regime, just check his public appearances and how many reporters he sued yet for asking him the wrong questions at the wrong time... not really liberal


and no, i oppose the idea that it should be both ways around, it should not be at all and it wont stop any pedo from being a sick male without a father as far as i see it...

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actually thats the opposite of liberal... even tho ruddy is supposedly liberal lol, but actually hes more like a mao tse tung of the commonwealth, he does not only speak a medicore mandarin but he also behaves like a totalitarian regime, just check his public appearances and how many reporters he sued yet for asking him the wrong questions at the wrong time... not really liberal


and no, i oppose the idea that it should be both ways around, it should not be at all and it wont stop any pedo from being a sick male without a father as far as i see it...


Actually, Mr. Cruddy Ruddy is Labor.

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Australia's gotten way too Liberal...

On the contrary, Australia's gotten too conservative... and this is only the latest bit of extreme conservatism.


It started with a government mandate on forcing everyone in the country to have an internet filter put in place where content was determined by the government.



Which was more recently expanded to include excessive, and downright ridiculous censoring of movie boxes for "R" rated movies.



And this is likely just a taste of things to come... Germany (banning all violent games) and the US aren't too far behind. It's censorship under the guise of being "good" for the "children". And it'll only be getting worse as people keep giving up their freedoms (senses).


But really though, nothing new to see here.


*Edit* found link, a quick search of "Australia" on http://www.escapistmagazine.com leads to many other headscratchers.

Edited by Vagrant0
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labor, liberal, conservatives... in the end they all steal our liberties whatever they call themselves... id like to see one country in the world actually lifitng a ban or prohibition but instead they just seem to keep stockpiling them no matter how reasonable they are.

its only a pity that so many people had to die in all those wars around the world believeing they fought for freedom just to see it turned into something our forefathers would not even crap on... *silence*

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labor, liberal, conservatives... in the end they all steal our liberties whatever they call themselves... id like to see one country in the world actually lifitng a ban or prohibition but instead they just seem to keep stockpiling them no matter how reasonable they are.

its only a pity that so many people had to die in all those wars around the world believeing they fought for freedom just to see it turned into something our forefathers would not even crap on... *silence*


I agree! Its funny how in the US the lines have blurred so much that teh two main parties are essentially the same. I think that when you get too liberal, extreme liberalism it leads to conservatism. Don't however ask me to bak that up with fact as it is just a hunch and opinion very hard to put into words. Just as we all have hunches about certain things, somehow we just know them to be true.

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