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Australia bans small breasts in movies,porn,etc.


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Aaand this is another reason I love Australia =D

And I thank god someone that thinks like you is there also


antonkr Posted Yesterday, 09:55 PM

Well, I think why not. Australians got tired of small boobs so they made them illegal. Why the hell not?

Typical male response...How big are you,perhaps below average males should not be allowed to respond to this topic,not aimed at you of course


CommanderCrazy Posted Yesterday, 10:09 PM



another male with no idea of how to judge a woman.Thinks breast size has something to do with how well she performs in bed or will keep him happy. You three are so stereo-typical of why women becomes lesbians,


On top of all this, now girls could develop a more twisted view of their bodies, before this law they could see that women come in different sizes but now some teens may not think they are good enough if they don't measure up to the women they see in movies.


Think of the girls Australia!

all they thinks of is their own cro-mag non desires and wishes.all of which will never materialize. women prefer men not little boys. I know!



Enough with the bashing. Both are young enough to where this sort of view is to be expected. Not everyone on this site is old enough to know better. I'll leave it up to you as to how you think you should re-word your comments. As a man, your responses offend me and suggest a rather hostile attitude toward men in general. Hate only begets more hate, you should know this better than anyone here. Please choose a way to respond to those comments without being as offensive.


- Vagrant0


1) I don't hate men,I do hate a topic that is A) sexist in its very being,B) Demeans small breasted women

2) Your reply offends me because A) you allow their comments to go without a warning,B) your a man and defend what they say C) all your doing is saying its ok for male children to demean women and suffer no consequences why I as the only woman to respond get the dreaded yellow letters!

3) yes I do know what hate is,but what I said here is not hate in any way,shape nor form.Its the truth! yet you deam to know what and how I feel and thats unrealistic and you know it

40 I'm sure this will be deleted and I'll get another strike but that will only serve to prove what I've just said.Men run this site and someone outspoken in a topic like this will get punished, namely me and the male woman bashers will walk away unwarned.

Frankly Vagrant,I wonder why you or the admins and other moderators let this topic even stay,bet if I started one on male penis size it would get locked immediately

I am copying and pasting this for my site so that I'll have proof of my impending punishment here as it seems strong outspoken women are not liked here but demeaning comments by adolescent male children are encouraged and even made plausible by those in charge here.

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1) I don't hate men,I do hate a topic that is A) sexist in its very being,B) Demeans small breasted women

2) Your reply offends me because A) you allow their comments to go without a warning,B) your a man and defend what they say C) all your doing is saying its ok for male children to demean women and suffer no consequences why I as the only woman to respond get the dreaded yellow letters!

3) yes I do know what hate is,but what I said here is not hate in any way,shape nor form.Its the truth! yet you deam to know what and how I feel and thats unrealistic and you know it

40 I'm sure this will be deleted and I'll get another strike but that will only serve to prove what I've just said.Men run this site and someone outspoken in a topic like this will get punished, namely me and the male woman bashers will walk away unwarned.

Frankly Vagrant,I wonder why you or the admins and other moderators let this topic even stay,bet if I started one on male penis size it would get locked immediately

I am copying and pasting this for my site so that I'll have proof of my impending punishment here as it seems strong outspoken women are not liked here but demeaning comments by adolescent male children are encouraged and even made plausible by those in charge here.

Let me be clear. I gave you the option to re-word your response in order make your position clear without coming off as flaming or simply bashing males. Instead of putting words in your mouth, or just outright removing your response, I allowed YOU to set it right. To this you get hostile toward me.


The topic is here not because it's talking about some sort of ridiculous commentary on breast size, but instead, this topic is about censorship. Or maybe you didn't bother to read past the couple of immature comments before suddenly judging that this topic had something to do with either this site, or women in general. Sorry to point it out to you, but any sort of argument you have here on the grounds of being a woman should not be directed at the users of the site, or the site's admin, but instead, THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT. A similar topic related to any part of the male anatomy would be allowed, but only if that topic were discussing the censorship related to that anatomy.


Those little immature quips were left as they were because I knew they were jokes, other users knew they were jokes, and this being the off-topic section, users of the forum know well and good that nothing posted here should be taken too seriously (unless it is posted with an obviously serious tone). As for your little "this site is run by men" comment, both Slof and myrmaad happen to be female, and from what I've noticed, don't seem to have any problem speaking their mind.


So please, kindly get off your podium until you take the time to even READ. Quite honestly, I'm getting sick of your accusations and grandstanding. If you feel that this site is so outright hostile toward you, then by all means leave and never come back. I'm giving you another option here, I strongly suggest you take the time and think it over before getting all offended. I try to be a fair person, and I've given you personally more than enough chance to make for the better, but there is a limit and you are pretty close to crossing it.

Edited by Vagrant0
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