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I'm looking for a specific type of mod.


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I am wondering if there is a mod out there that can mark npc's to be able to teleport to you with an item.


Basically I want to be able to summon any npc I choose that come from mods, I have a bunch of companions from SCC I need to keep track of because they seem to get lost sometimes if I move too far away.

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Not as far as I know. You can teleport npcs to you anyway thru console commands if you lookup their ID. But if you want a system integrated into the game, perhaps check out the RR companion vault:



it's actually a huge addition of a hideout and a bunch of companions, but it also includes a tracking system for all your companions if you lose them somehow. Custom companions probably won't work with that tracking system, but the author did say to pm him and he can show you how to get it to work (I imagine it wouldn't be toooo difficult).

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