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Anyone care to lend a hand


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So I'm not sure exactly what went wrong, I installed several modes was tweaking with Denims v3 to find my body and head I liked most...then I adjusted my raiders also and everything was working fine. Went and got some weapon and armor packs plus a hair/eyelashes/eyes pack that said it was okay with my body selection.


I can't make "showracemenu" work for me to change my hair and crap it goes white and red after I adjust anything, also many things plus guards have a HUGE, let me repeat HUGE explanation mark over them for some reason. I went ahead and disabled all these modes and still nothing seems to work so if anything could help me solve this problem it'd be a hoot. I'm gonna post a pic-a-ture to all the things I added to my game.









It seems to be solved when I disable the hair/eye/lashes pack not sure why since I double checked it 4 times and it's installed correctly.

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