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Item Codes


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I have downloaded FOOK, and have the item codes for all the weapons and armour in the game. My problem is that the codes about items brought in with FOOK, so those codes starting with fk cannot be recognised by my game :wallbash:. I can get the items from the original Fallout 3, but i want to get some of the other stuff.

If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate it.



Biggles :)

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If I understand you correctly, you're having problems using the "player.additem" command to give yourself FOOK weapons?


The first two digits in the item code will be the number in which the .esm falls in your load order. Fallout3.esm (always first) will be 00, the next are 01, 02, etc.


So find the FOOK master file in FOMM and use the appropriate prefix when using the item code. If you highlight the .esm, it should tell you the proper prefix to use.


Good luck!

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