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Stupid HGEC!!!


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Robert's is better anyway. :whistling:


It's not about which is better. Most are amazing without you and me saying the contrary, it's about what people like. This has been discussed to many times to remember and the rezult was the same. On a sad note, some modders where driven away by the community, but most just don't care and we are not in the position to blame anyone. I've only been using what these guys made. Some worked years to finish them and it took me minutes to install and play. The best advice and it's been said before, learn how to mod and you'll have anything you want. ;)

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I personally would like to see more practical looking armor and weapons. I want that medieval feel not something out of a Japanese late night anime. To each their own tho if someone wants that kinda stuff more power to em I don't have to down load it but it does appear to be more and more about dressing up your barbie doll and tentacle porn then sword and sorcery. I mean im not trying to put anyone down but I bought Oblivion to fight monsters and fling fireballs at bad guys. The internet is already 99% porn I don't need it in my videogame.
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Listen people! If i knew some of you will all be angry! I would not even start this topic...I started this topic cuz we can solve this problem (some of us)...Ok ok...When did you saw a girl playing oblivion? Ok 10,15 girls playing fine... and what about boys...(like me) 5000,6000...So i understand some of you think that mods are making the girls but its not like that...Some of them are making cuz its very very downloadable and wanted...but man...You make a sex in oblivion...You make boobs like atomic bombs!!! Why do you need that...And those armor mods...Who wants when he plays the oblivion to watch the WHOLE DAY naked ass...When i gotta say like that...Isnt a little boring of that all sexual content? For me is and if you dont like it dont comment...Instead we should think what do we do about it...



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Oh yeah theres one more thing...If some of the "people" are abused whit the sexual content please go to the porn site :/. This is not the insult im just giving the friendly advice...
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Geez man, you're hilarous.

First off I don't see how this is a problem. People will make whatever mods they want to make and if you don't like them simply ignore them.

Second, 15 female gamers and 6000 male gamers on this site? Yeah, I can pull numbers out of my ass too.

Third, you're being quite hypocritical here. Let me quote you:

you dont like it dont comment
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First, you should have your adult filter on. I don't use such mods myself, but I don't start bashing those who make them just becouse I have a different opinion. Just ignore such mods and download what you like. That's what I do and it's all great. There are plenty mods that are decent you just need some patience and you'll find them. ;)
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Oh yeah theres one more thing...If some of the "people" are abused whit the sexual content please go to the porn site :/. This is not the insult im just giving the friendly advice...


If that means you can't accept the fact that this site hosts mods whose meshes you find offensive, then I agree: go elsewhere. If you plan to stay, then as you've registered your objections, stop whinging and just use the default bodies that came with the game.


It's really pretty simple: one or the other. Or are you just a troll who likes to stir up folks?


For the record, I like HGEC. I don't like starveling women based on some realworld model named Ann Orexic. Just my choice, right? ;)

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Yes, there are too many mods aimed specifically for the sake of nudity, but people will ALWAYS mod according to what they're interested in. If it offends you, then don't download or use those mods. Nobody is forcing you to use a nude mod and you aren't even old enough to legally use them.


Either way, you have no right to complain about the work that someone else has spent the time to do, which you can download freely. If it REALLY bothers you, learn to make meshes and offer a suitable alternative. There are other body mods out there which are not as "deformed" to choose from, and they exist for much the same reason you are complaining about.


Thread closed as there is nothing to discuss here, and there has already been too much needless flaming.

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