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Dishes are Flying HELP!!


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Hello All,


This might seem like a kindergartners question, however I am stumped.


Whether I am in my own home or at a bar somewhere I always seem to be knock things over and food gets on the floor.


I have seen in some videos where things are picked up and put back on the table and positioned just right.

you kow if you try that in a bar youll be clled a Thief and whole town will attack yas .


I used to do this in Morrowind and I have forgotten its been so long.

I have the awesome Arpenia castle as my home and would like to put some flower blossoms , swords in cases ect to decorate.

When I am at an Inn if I make a mess of a table id like to clean it up and put everything back. I swear this sounds silly, I can practically feel the virtual disgust of the npc's and the dirty virtual looks they must be giving me behind my virtual back :P

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When in an inn or someone elses place, don't worry about it. The maid will be in on Tuesday to tidy up. Actually cells reset after you have not visited them for 3 game days - everything is usually replaced in it's original location - just as if the maid had been there.


In your own place, use Decorator's Assistant to place things. It can lock things so they cannot be knocked around. Not perfect, but the best we have.


Not using my own computer, so I can't give a link right now. Just use the search to find it. Type in decorator and it will show up.

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Aww thank you Benn! My knight in shinning armor!


I hope your feeling better and that nasty flu is all gone by now ^^



When in an inn or someone elses place, don't worry about it. The maid will be in on Tuesday to tidy up. Actually cells reset after you have not visited them for 3 game days - everything is usually replaced in it's original location - just as if the maid had been there.


In your own place, use Decorator's Assistant to place things. It can lock things so they cannot be knocked around. Not perfect, but the best we have.


Not using my own computer, so I can't give a link right now. Just use the search to find it. Type in decorator and it will show up.

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Hello All,


This might seem like a kindergartners question, however I am stumped.


Whether I am in my own home or at a bar somewhere I always seem to be knock things over and food gets on the floor.


I have seen in some videos where things are picked up and put back on the table and positioned just right.

you kow if you try that in a bar youll be clled a Thief and whole town will attack yas .


I used to do this in Morrowind and I have forgotten its been so long.

I have the awesome Arpenia castle as my home and would like to put some flower blossoms , swords in cases ect to decorate.

When I am at an Inn if I make a mess of a table id like to clean it up and put everything back. I swear this sounds silly, I can practically feel the virtual disgust of the npc's and the dirty virtual looks they must be giving me behind my virtual back :P


Put it in it's place - Enhanced Grabbing


In a nutshell, grabbing owned objects is no longer a crime in itself, also picking up can make people like you more.


One of my favorite mods.

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