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obmm won't appear


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Yes, it does matter. Because you only have one Windows Registry no matter how many disks there are, and that is where the problem is. When you install the game it places multiple entries in the registry to identify what files go with which program, and where that program is located. By having 2 copies, it may point to the wrong location causing crashes and not being able to find some of the game resources. That is why you cannot just copy Oblivion onto a computer - it MUST be installed. This is not an anti piracy feature as many think, it is because of the game having to identify and set itself up for the different hardware in many computers.


If you know how to edit the registry, and have a lot of time, you can manually edit the registry to point where you want it to. But if you have no experience with editing registries, this is not a good time to learn. There are probably over 10,000 entries in your registry and if you don't know how to search, you will be sure to miss some. And, there is a real possibility of making a little change in the wrong entry and making your computer unable to boot.


If you need more than one copy, for example, more than one user on the same computer, or one for making mods and one to play, see bben's Dual Oblivion article: http://www.tesnexus.com/articles/article.php?id=285

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try removing the existing OBMM. use a program such as REVO http://majorgeeks.com/Revo_Uninstaller_d5706.html which will actually find all parts of the program and uninstall them.


Then check to be sure that the game works.


Reinstall OBMM, be sure to follow the install instructions as it is not a mod and does not install like a mod.

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