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ENB Lens Flare Glitch Fix


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So, Im making this simple post because I had experienced this glitch myself and had an extremely hard time finding information for a fix, so Im going to make this easy for you.


The Glitch:


If you experience something along the lines of what is shown in that picture, with the bright flash and blackout, that is what we are here to fix. The glitch is caused because some modmakers set their textures to have too much shine and it reacts badly with enb, and the reflective source is read as a super bright light.


The Fix:

The fix for this is an extremely simple fallout.ini settings change. You simply turn off specularity by finding the line reading "bDoSpecularPass" and change the value of 1 to 0. This disables the reflectivity of all textures vanilla and modded, (not including water). I think the visual change isnt noticable at all so you don't have to worry about your game looking worse, and in addition this change slightly improves performance.

Edited by lphoenix6
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