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Changing World Map Icons


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Yes, I have done multiple searches.

Yes, I have read through hundreds of pages of information, but none helpful.


Here is my dilemma. I have many homes (20+) throughout the land. All made by wonderful modders. I do not wish to change the names, because I feel that to be disrespectful. However, different modders use different icons to note their creations locations. What I want to do is learn a way to change all my homes icons to same kind (one not so often used) so that I might be able to find them again, after I find them the first time.


I really would appreciate the community's help with this. Please don't go "major" techno on me, I live by the KISS rule. (keep it simple stupid)


As always, my thanks to you wonderful people who create such wonderful mods.

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This explains how to add a map marker to a location from zero. It's simple, but you'll need to know a bit about the CK though.

You can probably skip to about 6 minutes in though, since all you need is to edit the icon. Not set up a marker from zero.




If you want to know where the game keeps the map icons, then I believe you'll have to look in the Update.bsa. Under "Interface" there should be a file called Map.swf which should contains the icons.

I don't know the exact details on how to put in a custom-made map marker though.

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