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trouble with creating animations


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So I've been trying to figure out how to make my own animations using this tutorial: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...acter_Animation


I've been able to figure out how to animate a model, but for some reason it doesn't work in game. I try putting it into Oblivion, and all it does is cause tons of glitches. For example, I tried changing the normal idle animation, but instead of changing it to the new animation I made, it replaced the original idle animation with the turning animation... so basically, my character is moving his feet a bunch as if he's turning, but he's standing in the same spot. And it also makes it so that when I just tap on the forward button, my character keeps moving forward until another animation interferes, like simply turning the mouse will make them stop. I'm willing to bet none of this makes sense to anyone, but basically whenever I try to import the new animation into the game, it just causes glitches, and doesn't show my new animation.


And also, I don't know what it is, but there's this problem I'm having where when I export any .nif or .kf files from BSA Unpacker, Blender, or Nifskope, I can see the file when I try to open it through one of those programs, but when I simply go to the folder manually, if I want to copy it to another folder or something, it isn't there. I can still open it through Nifskope, but if I try to copy it through that into another folder, this message pops up saying the file is no longer there, but I know for a fact that it IS there. So, outside of those programs, those files are basically non-existent. Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about? I think this may be the cause of my first problem, cuz it could be that since the computer thinks those files aren't there, then Oblivion isn't able to import them properly.


So I don't know if anyone has any idea what I'm talking about, but help would really be appreciated if anyone knows what to do.

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