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char creation unlimiter


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I was wondering if it'd be possible for someone to create a mod that removes the music-equalizer-like qualities of the character design thing (when you slide one slider down, another slides up), this is annoying, and gets in the way. Furthermore if it'd be possible to increase the limits on the sliders to compensate for effects of other sliders (eg when you slide the skin tone slider down, the mustache slider doesn't move, but the character still gets a massive mustache and this really destroys the look I'm going for) that would be great too.
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There's 2 ways of doing this.


You can remove the sound by going into G.E.C.K and doing some editing. Delete file UIFaceGenRotateLP and UIFaceGenZoomLP. Then save.Both are found under sound category. Not recommended method.


The second way is to make your own silent slider sound. You can do this by using any recording software for example audicity. Just record an "empty" sound. Rename it as UIFaceGenRotateLP.wav and UIFaceGenZoomLP.wav, make sure sound files are wav format. Then copy and paste both sound files to Fallout 3 install directory, E:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Data\sound\fx\ui\facegen. If you don't have the folders then create them yourself. Locate your Fallout.ini file within My Documents/My Games/Fallout3, change bInvalidateOlderFiles=0 to bInvalidateOlderFiles=1


As for compensating effect for sliders, it is not possible in-game. But possible if you make a character with G.E.C.K. It can be quite complicated though at first. Read this to further understand how to use G.E.C.K. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Main_Page


Hope this works for you. PM me if it doesn't work, I'll make the sound fix for you.


Edit: Sorry, read your post wrongly, ignore the first 2 parts of my reply.

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he doesn't mean the sounds of the sliders, but the connection between the sliders. for example in the skin section, if you move the red tone slider to the right, the others go to the left and viceversa. additionally he'd like the sliders to have a broader range, to create an even bigger nose for example.


TL;DR: independent racegen sliders with increased effect cap.


i approve of this request.

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