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Clannfear Model/Skeleton?


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I was rather disapointed by the lack of clannfears in skyrim, as they were my favorite creature to have with me in Oblivion. I could probably make a mod a clannfear creature, and turn it into a simple summon or companion by myself, but I still need the model, animations etc. I saw some good modelling work done by SheepDogWoof over at tesrenewal, but I was hoping for a clannfear summon/companion without using a complete overhaul like skywind or skyblivion. I was also hoping I wouldn't need to rummage through the assets of either overhaul (not sure if they would let me anyways...)

More to the point, does anyone have a clannfear model and/or skeleton, or perhaps a good tutorial on how I could port these from Oblivion? In the off chance that you have multiple models of clannfears, I prefer the style from Oblivion.

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