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Prison mod?


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I would really like to see a prison in F3 with guards, dogs, and cell blocks and so on. And maybe the Talon guys who try to kill you if you have very good karma could put you in prison instead of killing you? like in Oblivion -> you get caught and now you can kill him, bribe him or go to prison. Or you could get tazed and wake up in prison when for example assaulting children ( like when you escape from Vault 87). And of course the prison comes with a breakout :P like getting friends, killing of traitors, posing as the prison female dog xD, digging tunnels... omg so many ideas....

Need to start looking for a place in the wasteland asap...

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I have already looked into this and I think it's beyond my scripting experience.


A lot of the functions that handled crime in oblivion are not present or don't work in fallout. In theory it's possible to script it all to an invisible active quest.

Also I think that any npc's that were to up-hold this crime system would have to have their behaviours changed from there current one which is to just start shooting. Haven't looked into those but they may be hard-coded not sure though they might just have to have all new AI packages etc...


It's a nice idea though. I may look into it again in the future but not atm i'm too busy.

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