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Advanced HUD


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To start off with, I got the idea for this from section 8 and portal. In section 8, your HUD showed your health and armor status, how much damage certain areas had taken, the direction and distance of all objectives, the direction, distance, name, armor, and health of all nearby soldiers, you current ammunition in rounds and numbers, your currently active tool, nearby turrets including their distance and type, The distance and trajectory of unthrown grenades, the distance, trajectory, AND blast radius of mortars, your remaining jet pack/sprint/overdrive capacity, whether nearby units are friends or foes, whether or not you're being scanned, A map showing your location as well as the location of nearby units, tactical structures, and vehicles, plus countless other features. Due to the fact that you had cybernetic powered armor, this was all perfectly immersive.


In portal, on the other hand, your screen grew read when you got shot. That's it. This was also very immersive.


So, I was thinking that someone should upgrade the HUD to have all this info built into it, but it is only active when the player is wearing power armor helmets or maybe similar headgear created for this purpose. It could possibly also come with the cyborg perk.


I am suggesting this because as much as I love Hi-power HUDs, unless you are wearing a 10-foot-tall robotic exoskeleton, they just aren't immersive.


Any takers? This would probably require FOSE.

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