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I've just read that MAG has been realeased last week. I've been realy interested in this game, ever since i read it about in a magzine long ago.

However i don't have any console let alone the mighty PS3.

So here's my question. How does it feel to play a game with so many players? Does it feel like beeing in a real army? I've almways wanted to play something like this, but never had the oppurtunity.

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its awesome, i played it at a friends place once.

the best is, when you play with more friends of yours and you build a little group or something, then you just kill one after another.

i cant get it right now, cuz i dont have internet access to my ps3, but im looking forward to get it the next time! :thumbsup:

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While I have not played it, the overwhelming consensus over at the COD4boards is that it is not really that good. Most of the people over there are either XBOX or PS3 gamers and from what they have written the game fails on quite a few levels. The recommendation from the people that have played it is to rent it first play it for a week and then decide if it something you can play for an extended period of time. Hope that helps.
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The most expensive Paperweight ive ever seen.

I had the occasion to play it only once....those things are pretty rare here. (xboxes don't seem to like the weather here and are even less popular....i have never saw one in RL)

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Never heard of it till now 256 online match? that true? it puts resistance 2s 60 free-for-all deathmatches to shame.


As for xbox vs ps3, I'm afraid to cough near my XBOX for fear of it red-ringing, where do all these fanboys come from? Comparatively PS3s are indestructable.

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not against a sledgehammer XD


As for xbox vs ps3, I'm afraid to cough near my XBOX for fear of it red-ringing, where do all these fanboys come from? Comparatively PS3s are indestructable.

That would be pretty cool if it were immune to sledgehammers though. Thats a different topic entirely

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