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Skyrim Shadow FIX!


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So I know this is kinda delayed or whatever but after 3 days of reading through forums and messing around in the .ini files I finally got the shadows to work correctly, not only that incresed the level of detail of those poor blocky excuses of something that resembles a shadow that the devs at Bethesda gave to us, so here it is...


Firstly before u do anything back up ur save files and .ini files


Next download the latest drivers for ur gfx card (I'm running Nvidia)

Then in skyrimprefs.ini, if it does not have the line "bDeferredShadows=0" add it under "Display" and if its "1" change it to "0"...this shoulder essentially fixe the issue of the shadows moving around with the cursor, which was a real pain in the glutes.


And finally if u want higher res shadows, in the same .ini file edit the line "iShadowMapResolution" from whatever the value is to "4096"

This increases the shadows res to a decent value and decreases the jaggered "Crown" edges lol save file and make the file "read-only" to prevent it from reverting.


And u should know to use the .ini file in My Documents right...


And that's it, worked for me and many other people...



Edited by ChaosGene
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