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How Do You Place Items In Cell By A Function


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The easiest way would be to place the object in the Construction Set, enable the flag "initially disabled", then enable it via script.


Use something like this:

Scn EnableScript

Begin onTriggered

enable [object ref]


NOTE: This is a very simple, somewhat unreliable script, but you should get the idea. I recommend refining it a little.

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The easiest way would be to place the object in the Construction Set, enable the flag "initially disabled", then enable it via script.


Use something like this:

Scn EnableScript

Begin onTriggered

enable [object ref]


NOTE: This is a very simple, somewhat unreliable script, but you should get the idea. I recommend refining it a little.

Yes, it's almost always better to use an initially disabled object as opposed to one which is created. All applications of placeatme and statics or activators can lead to problems. Most applications of placeatme with items or NPCs can lead to problems. It's because the created item only exists as part of the savegame data, which leads to bloating. An enabled/moved persistent object exists within the mod that places that object, and therefore only records anything related with that object (other than enable state) if it is moved with havok.

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PlaceAtMe can be used with any object that is set as a persistant reference. You can then PlaceAtMe in reference to that Object.


This is fine as long as you are not planning on placing lots of objects this way. Or, if the objects you place will be used or sold.


Such an application might be a Varla Stone that will be consumed pretty quickly. WillieSea does this in his Ancient Towers Mod.



Otherwise, as I had indicated when I first mentioned it, and as Vagrant has elaborated on, there are other ways of doing it.

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