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Tales of Two Wastelands - Stash Pack Options Issue


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I have recently started FNV again after a while, this time with many mods. While I have no problems with the mods as a whole and playing smoothly, I do have a problem with the "Stash Pack Options" plugin of TTW, which is not showing up as soon as I finish the character creation (from my understanding, the stash selection menu of the plugin is displayed after the character creation).


I tried few things to fix it, including re-install the "Tales of Two Wastelands - Optional Files" fomod; manualy add and remove few times the specific plugin; as well as restarting the game - but nothing happens. Am I missing something?


Help would be appriciated :smile:


EDIT: Actually, I remembered that I've encountered another issue regarding TTW, that when I start FO3, at the end of the quest as a baby when I follow "Dad" outside the room, the screen then flashes the "Nine Years Later" while loading the next stage, and then the game crashes. I need help with this as well...



This is my first post. I hope this is the right forum for this kind of issue.

Edited by RaNgeR240
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I thought the stash pack option menu popped up when you left the vault, but I can't be sure of that.


You cannot use a Pip-Boy replacer mod (such as the Readius) when starting a new game. You can install one after the birthday party sequence.

EDIT: Well, you are right. Starting FO3 using TTW and a Pib-Boy mod, crashes the game. Although, the Stash Pack menu still doesn't displayed, even as soon as I left Vault...


Help, someone?

Edited by RaNgeR240
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