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Scripting Question


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Yes it's possible, but it'd need some nice coding on the script to get it to work.


Here's the way I'd do it:

Make a weapon - set it to zero damage

Attach a script that checks the base ID of the creature/actor and deals damage appropriately.


I know there's a way to call the base of the creature/NPC hit but I can't remember it off the top of my head, best bet would be to look it up on the CS wiki.





Sorry, got the worng end of the stick, I was thinking a weapon that only damages a certain creature.

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Yes, I'm sure it's possible, and I'm quite sure that I've seen a command like that somewhere (CS wiki it). Once you find that the script should be pretty straight foward. eg:


Activate OnHit

if HitWith MyWeapon ==1

Set ActorHealth to ActorHealth - 10


Set ActorHealth to GetBaseActorHealth



(If something like an OnHit block doesn't exist for weapons you'll have to do some more elaborate coding.)


A script something like that, with all the proper variable names, attached to the creature should do the trick (I think).



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Interesting. This is the script I came up with:


Scn AADungeonCreatureHitDetection

short damage
ref Actor

Begin OnHit
set Actor to AAThePlaceholder

if getIsID AADungeonSword ==1
 set AAThePlaceHolder.GetCurrentHealth to AAThePlaceHolder.GetCurrentHealth - (1 + .2 * GetRandomPercent)

if getIsID AADungeonSword == 0
set Actor.GetAV (Health) to Actor.GetBaseAV (Health)



But when I hit save, it says it is missing "to" on line fourteen when it's clearly there. Do you know why?

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When I change it to this

set (actor.getactorvalue health) to (actor.getbaseactorvalue health)

I get this error:

Script 'AADungeonCreatureHitDetection', line 7:

Missing variable name in set command.


Maybe if you create variables and assign them the necessary values before you do this it will work.


so, roughly:


short ahealth
short abhealth

Set ahealth to actor.getactorvalue health
Set abhealth to actor.getbasactorvalue health

set ahealth to abhealth

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