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Questions about the Companion Mod


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Thus far, I have focused on using non-CM companions...but I was curious about CM...just a few questions before I toss it on.


1. Is it safe to give CM companions valuable items?


2. When they aren't with you, do they return to their original location, or stay where you leave them?


3. Do they conflict with other running companions (Red Sonia, Ruined Tale, Rhianna, Sarileth)?


4. Do they have horses?


5. I read they have a skill development system...can you see what skills they have? Is each companion unique?


6. Does the introduction of so many new companions effect game performance?


7. How many companions can you carry at a time?




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I'm surprised nobody has responded yet. Companions are under rated in the community.


> 1. Is it safe to give CM companions valuable items?


No. I have often seen reports of CM Partners going missing. I do not know if this is still the case. When I used it there was no summon spell to recall them. I made sure my companions had that spell.



> 2. When they aren't with you, do they return to their original location, or stay where you leave them?


That's a very good question.



> 3. Do they conflict with other running companions (Red Sonia, Ruined Tale, Rhianna, Sarileth)?


No, not as far as I know. I've never heard of a conflict with my companions (Saerileth, Viconia, Stoker).



> 4. Do they have horses?


Not when I played them. Not sure if that has changed. I don't know if Blackie is even actively modding right now.



> 5. I read they have a skill development system...can you see what skills they have? Is each companion unique?


Not sure here. Mine level with the player. I would assume they would too.



> 6. Does the introduction of so many new companions effect game performance?


It can if you go over a certain amount. I have a killer system and run four together with zero issues.


> 7. How many companions can you carry at a time?


Another good question. Most people say 3. I've gone over that. I will say that IF you use Red Sonia her aggression level needs to be reset to 5, not 99. Otherwise she will attack other companions. I notified ThePriest of this and he expressed no interest in fixing it.

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Thanks for the reply.


In general, I tend to use the companions I have on an individual basis. I was considering using the CM for larger group events...but have to have horses, I think... I don't see much point if I have fast travel to get anywhere in reasonable time.


One thing I have learned about all companions...they have a hard time keeping up with me on foot.


Another Question I thought of...


Do they have sleep patterns in their scripting?


Without additional space added, I could see scrambles for beds that could screw up scripts for vanilla NPCs.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Bumping to re-ask the question.


Is there anyone using CM that can answer my questions?


Is there an alternative for building custom companions?



If your wanting to create your own custom companions and want something a little different then CM then you should have a look at my mod. it is a work in progress and very mod able meaning if you want to spend the time you could create very unique companions. the job engine is low impact compared to cm when running a lot of companion's but when it come to performance there is a lot more to think about then the companion mod it self. with a body mod like HGEC your going to take a hit because of the high poly count and hire textures. some body mods are much better preformers then others and will make a big difference when running alot of companion's at the same time. the easiest way to tell is to load the body into nifscope and click on the body so you can see how many polys its using. also look at the size of the texture. if your wanting a good performing female body then look at roberts female body. the poly size is much lower.

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I used some CM companions now I'm using Sultericdrums companions.

1. About valuable items sorry, but I don't know. I never put valuable items in my companions inventory only stuff for them.

2. CM companions usually stay where you told them to. Sometimes they wander off, but not too far.

3. They don't conflict with other companions.

4. Unfortunately they don't have horses though I've heard about a mod that allows you to buy horses for your companions or something like that. :)

5. Some companions has that feature like Lucien Lachance by star-mystyk.

6. I never had any issues with that.

7. I think that you can have as many companions as you want. :D I used seven once and I had no problems.


And about the sleeping. If you tell your companion to wait and there's a bed nearby they'll go to sleep in that bed. I can't remember if you can tell them to go to bed though, but they sleep.


But be careful some companions are cranky. :D

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