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Teleporting issues


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hey all,


New to the forums & just getting into the whole modding oblivion scene. Im trying some portal/teleport work in a mod Im doing. Im borrowing the scripts for the teleporting from another mod so I already know that the teleportation works.


Here's the script:


scn aaPortablePortalScript


Begin OnLoad

playgroup equip 0



Begin GameMode

if isanimplaying == 0

playgroup forward 0




Begin OnActivate




player.moveto xref1





(xref1 is the ref that Ive pointed the script to spawn the character at) Now, this same exact script works for another portal that gets spawned by a separate spell-- that portal leads back to the Tamriel world, and it does this correctly every time. All i've done is repointed this script to spawn me in a pocket demension. Everytime I enter the portal, I get dropped into an empty world with just sky and water and my character simply falls. I've tried using xmarkers, disabled rats, and doorways and I get the same results everytime.


can anyone tell me what Im doing wrong here? Thanks

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Quick guess? (assuming all the references have been corrected to point to the right cell)


Either your "pocket dimension" isn't loaded, therefore you're teleporting into nothing, or the landscape in the cell to which you are teleporting is higher than your target destination, so you are appearing below the ground. If you look up do you only see the sky, or are there things in the world as well that you can see above you? Depends whats in the worldspace you're porting to I guess. If theres only the floor, it usually isn't visible from below. A quick way to check would be to disable collision (target yourself in the console and type TCL) and 'fly' up to see if you can find the ground.


Did you have access to this place before you created the teleportation spell or do you have an alternate means of access? Just to check that the lanscape is actually there and not torn in some way or another leaving you porting into the middle of a great big hole in the ground.



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You might double-check some things. It seems like your script would have to work.


Try going to your pocket dimension through the Oblivion gate to verify it is there in the very same play-session in which you teleport into thin air.


X-marker headings seem to be the best thing to teleport to. Make sure that the X-Marker heading you teleport to is in the place you think it is.


If these things are okay, try moving your X-Marker heading to Tamriel. If you can teleport just fine, then you will know your script is good and there is something really strange about your worldspace.

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