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fallout 3 pc glitch?


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ive got god mode and no sticking on


So Amata's father and the officer have her in the room you can go by it, or go in guns blazing either way shes pissed


becasue you ignored her one way


or you killed her dad the other way


It kinda sucks


Ive always wished there was a way to keep Amata from hating you.idk just think it would be interesting


so i had god mode and no sticking on went passed her >to overseer's terminal >went above the rooms (no sticking)> looking down into the room Amata was in> and i walked thru the ceiling

and killed the officer without (but not her dad) and talked to her afterwords and she says thank you and shes gonna meet me at the vault.


so i get down their and when i left she said goodbye and she wasnt pissed?


is this a glitch or a possibility from he start?

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It is not a glitch. This only happens when you don't play the game properly, as in going through walls by typing TCL. By doing so, you've also probably missed out on a few gameplay triggers, finally making the game bugged. Erm... I don't know how to explain better. Lol, TCL is not good.
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