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First Post Mod problem


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Listen, I'm probably posting this in the wrong place but there are 640 pages of posts here. I've not had many problems with the few mods that I use but I recently uploaded the appachii goddess store. The mod was installed according to instruction although when I enter the store the goddess right in front of me explodes purple in all directions. if I look left the goddess by the bottom of the stairs is bald. if I buy any clothing from them 10% of the items actually look correct and the rest either appear invisible or as black blocks that stretch out. in some cases putting some items on will crash the game, as well if I walk upstairs, simply looking in the room crashes the game every time.


Mods I'm currently using in order of appearance on the oblivion mod manager:

CM Partners.esm


Nec - Extra Mystic Elf Face.esm


Francescos' leveled creatures-items mod.esm

DLCVile Lair.esp






Nec-Extra Mystic Elf face.esp (what is the difference between an esm and esp?)

Dark Illusion armor.esp


slof's sexy anims.esp



colourwheels sexy lingerie hgec.esp

apachii goddess store.esp


please help?

Thanks in advance.


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One of your Mod, is missing Textures. When there are no Textures, everything appears purple / pink.


When you Downloaded it, did you Got only .Esp /.Esm files?


Especially with clothes you need Meshes and Textures as well.


Maybe you should read the Readme, in the section; "installation" in the Files very carefully.

Especially with clothes is it very difficult ;)



You can use "Wrye Bash", for a perfect installation.






I hope this will help you :thumbsup:

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Have you downloaded everything required for Apachii store? It has huge size and there are several files, I believe, all required. Any problems with downloading? Extracting archives? I had some problems I solved by redownloading, but that's quite a size for recommending that. I also had some crash problem with the new room. Gone after redownload and reinstallation.


Also, check the mod's topic for bug reports and answers to them. I think that may help more specifically. Just don't check it all, it's huge and it will take hours. Start with last pages.


Interestingly enough, I don't see Exnem/HG EC body esps in your list. It's not that they are absolutely nesessary, just supplied with body mods, at least Exnem. No, if you don't even have a body mod, then it's not THAT problem, it would only give wrong skin display for Apachii and such.


Esm is a master file, esp is a plugin file. There are several specific differences, read here:


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