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GOTY Steam edition - DLCs won't work


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This is really starting to piss me off, im trying to get the DLCs running for 3 days now, nothing works.


Here is the problem: Downloaded the game form steam, aktivated the DLCs in the menu and played the game. As i left the vault i got a msg that the broken steel DLC was loaded and the level limit was raised to 30. But thats all, no radio signal from the other DLCs.

So i traveled to the point lookout ferryplace and found just many red <!> where the ferry should be. i could talk to the ferrycaptain, but without sound.

Similar situation at the "the pitt" radiotower and train tunnel, missing meshes etc, no pump cart i could use to reach the pitt.


So the DLCs seem to load just partly.


What i tried:

- redownloaded an installed the game 3 times, DLC *.bsa files in the datafolder seem to have the correct size

- used ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated.exe (although the ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa in the data folder is empty ...?)

- started the game with FOMM


I don't know what to do anymore...

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Lulz that picture is so awesome! ! !!!!! ! !!!!!! ! !!!! ! !!!!




Well, uh mostly everybody launches the game from FOMM (which launches via FOSE if it detects it)


So uh get FOMM an FOSE already, you will eventually anyway.


You should get a real smooth running game before you get into mods though.


Then slowly build them up, fixing as you go with FO3edit.

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