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rylasasin - Reinstated

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The reference post as well as my comments were removed due to a site error, so I'll explain things a bit better here for those who might read this as some sort of "iron fist ruling".


The user in question had previously posted some hostile comments on the uploads of the same author;



So there was already some sort of personal problem.


Recently, he posted a rather long post where he had criticized the mod trying to state that the mod did not meet his standards of quality, and going on to say how the mod uploader shouldn't have uploaded the mod because it was a waste of space, comparing the page view to download ratio to other mods for support, among other things that were rather long winded, and I honestly didn't have a chance to read before it was removed. The post ended with a promise of another, more in depth, review of the mod at a later date.


The post was removed because it appeared to be clearly aimed toward harassing the mod uploader, and belaboring him for the choices of screenshots and mod content. Although there might have been some valid constructive criticism here, it was lost within the hostile intent of the message.


Upon having his post removed, he went on to continue his little tirade against the author, saying how the author should just deal with his comments and "grow up". Adding a further bit against the moderators for deciding to remove his abusive post and repeating himself about how uploads like that shouldn't be made because they are a waste of space.


He was banned because of the repeated harassment toward a member who had decided to freely share his work with everyone, and showed little interest in changing his ways. The disrespect toward staff was merely a minor part of this ban that just didn't help his case.


I didn't need to post this, but felt that in the spirit of transparency, it was needed.

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